The amazing, revolutionary, NON-SURGICAL FACELIFT… Plasma Fibroblast!

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Plasma fibroblast therapy targets fibroblasts. These are collagen and protein-producing cells in the dermis, the layer of skin just below your outermost skin layer.

Plasma fibroblast uses a pen-like device that discharges a high-frequency electric current to small areas of the skin. The plasma tip doesn’t directly touch the skin, but instead releases a targeted current just above the skin. The current creates small holes, or micro-injuries, in the skin’s layer.

This amazing new procedure will leave you with a youthful, natural look and a smooth complexion.

So, what are the benefits of Plasma Fibroblast?

  • Shrinks excess skin

  • Reduces under eye bags & lifts hooded eyelids

  • Smoothes out wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, sun spots, and skin tags

  • Lifts and tightens skin

  • Encourages tissue regernation

  • Tightens areas including the neck, jawline, eyelids, above the lips, crows feet, nose and even ears!

  • Improves skin texture

What does the procedure involve?

  • Cleansing the skin and applying a topical anaesthic cream

  • Treating the designated skin area with the plasma pen. The pen will create small arcs of micro-currents that make small scab like dots to the skin

  • The procedure usually takes around 60+ minutes (depending on the size of the area that is being treated).


Once the procedure is completed, you can expect the small dots to scab over and fall off after about 1 week. Over the next couple of weeks, as your skin heals, it should appear tighter and firmer. Some people may see benefits from one treatment, while others may require three treatments before they see results. The treated area can not get wet for at least 1 week after treatment (until scabs fall off).

Side effects

All procedures aren't without side effects. Examples of side effects for Plasma Fibroblast Therapy include: redness, swelling, mild hypopigmentation (light spots), mild hyperpigmentation (dark spots), skin peeling and crusting.

If you are interested in the Plasma Fibroblast treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to book in your appointment.


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